
Music at Tower Road Academy
Our vision for music ~ appreciation, confidence, expression
appreciation ~ We aim to give pupils many chances to appreciate music, through listening and appraising, singing, performing, improvising, and composing. Appreciation can be an emotional reaction, unique to the child, using key vocabulary to critique.
confidence ~ We encourage pupils to be confident in their musical ability and to participate in high-quality opportunities with enjoyment, progressing as far as their interests lie.
expression ~ Music touches hearts and minds, it celebrates and challenges, it connects us and moves us. It is a source of joy, comfort, and companionship, which continues beyond the classroom. We encourage children to be creative and express themselves as individuals.
“Listening to ‘Happy’ in our music lessons is really good as it takes us away from sad things, that’s why I look forward to music lessons.”
“I like to be able to dance and move to the beat.”
“I have learnt where the notes are on the glockenspiel and I can play it quite well now.”
“I like sharing the glockenspiel with my friend.”
“Now I know what I’m listening for in a piece of music, I can appreciate music a lot more out of school.”
Music makes everyone happy, including the teachers!
“X likes to express …self during music lessons!”
“Her face is smiling. She joins in and plays the instruments.”
“She smiles a lot more and is very enthusiastic. She likes to film us and is always saying well done.”
“X smiles a lot. She dances and moves to the music.”
“She definitely likes teaching music. She has a smile on her face and dances along, getting everyone engaged in the class. She finds the rhythm and pulse with us.”