Dear Parent/Carer,
On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I welcome you and your family to Tower Road Academy.
If your child already attends our school, we hope that you find the information you are looking for - if not, just give us a call.
If you are looking for the right school for your child, please take a look around our website. We hope you find it informative and helpful. We have included information on topics that are typically of interest to parents/carers but should you have any other questions, please contact us. A great place to start is the School Video page - see what we value and take a look at what we do.
At the heart of what we do are children. We seek out ways in which we can show our determination for all children to succeed and to be happy.
I am always pleased to show parents/carers and their children around our school so that you may see for yourself what we have to offer. You can see the children learning, meet and talk with the staff and discover for yourself what makes Tower Road Academy so special and so popular.
A warm and friendly welcome awaits you.
Mr J McCullough